better light a candle than curse the darkness

BaKhabar, Vol 5, Issue 6, June 2012
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How to clear all the confusion 
... By Asma Bint Shameem

Alhamdulillaah, nowadays theres access to Islaamic knowledge like never before. All it takes is a click of the mouse or a simple phone call, and one can have access to a variety of articles, ebooks and fataawa from the shuyookh. One can also watch videos and listen to lectures, literally from all over the world, just sitting at home. And as for the emails, we see plenty of those filling our inbox, from people you know and even people you don't know, educating us on our Deen.
But then along with all of that, also comes a lot of confusion.

Yes.... Confusion.
That's because each and every one is talking about their version of Islaam, their comprehension of how everything should be. Each and every group is interpreting the texts of the Quraan and Sunnah according to their own understanding. One group promotes a certain belief saying how good it is, while another group considers the very same belief to be totally wrong.

One party claims to be following the Quraan and Sunnah, while the others say about them that they are misguided.
Some rituals and practices are so common that they are actually considered part of the Shareeah and but the same practices are vehemently being denied by others, as bidah or innovation.

And yet, every group claims that their understanding of Islaam is the Truth, that their interpretation is correct.
So what to do?

Who's right and who's wrong?
What's part of the Shareeah and what's not?

What is Sunnah and what is bidah?
How do we know who to follow and who to avoid?
Just WHO is upon theTruth?
The vital answer lies in the noble saying of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). He already gave us the solution to this dilemma 1400 years ago when he said:
”For indeed, those who will still be alive after me will see many differences; so hold fast to my Sunnah, and to the sunnah of the rightly guided Khalifahs after me, Adhere to it and cling tightly to it and beware of newly-invented matters, for every newly-invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance.“
(At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, others-- hasan sahih).

In other words, the solution....the answer to all the confusion, to all the different opinions, to all the various groups and thoughts, is..... to follow the practice of the beloved Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and his Noble Sahaabah. Simple and Straightforward. Nothing more. Nothing less.....a simple rule of thumb that most of us can apply.
If the Sahaabah practiced a certain act or celebrated a particular ritual, then we will also do it. BUT, if they didn't do so, then we shouldn't do it either. That is because if it was good and correct, they would have done so. But if they didn't do it, that means that there was no good in it.

 We must realize that, understanding this concept of following the Sahaabah is of utmost, no, vital importance. It means the difference bewtween guidance and misguidance, between success and failure, between salvation and loss.
And that unless we understand and practice our Deen in accordance with the understanding and practice of the Companions of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam), we would be lost. We would go astray.
In fact, if we look at the history of Islaam, we will realize that any group, any individual, any community, that went astray over all these years, did so only and only, when they left the ways of the Sahaabah and began interpreting the Deen acording to their own comprehension and understanding.
And that's why the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) gave us such specific instrucions about this sitaution, to follow in times of differences and confusions.
The entire Shareeah is replete with Orders from Allaah and His Messenger (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) to follow the Sahaabah and the obligation to do so.
Let us examine some of them.

Allaah is telling us that the Sahaabah are on the right path. 

"If they believe as you all (meaning, the Sahaabah) have believed, they shall be guided; if they reject it, they shall surely be in clear dissension. Allah will suffice you agaist them. And He is All-hearing, All-Knowing." (Surah al-Baqarah:137)
Bihar Anjuman's Riyadh & Al-Kharj chapter: Family Get-together program, 26.04.2012

This is a clear proof that the Sahaabah, may Allaah be pleased with them all, were upon Guidance and the Truth, so whoever follows them will be upon guidance and upon the Straight Path. For it is the Sahaabah who are the ones referred to in the verse initially, and then those who came after them who took their path and followed them.
Every day in prayer, we ask Allaah to put us on their path
Every day when we stand up for prayer, we read the Fatiha at least 17 times a day. And at least 17 times, we make dua to Allaah when we say....

"Guide us to the Straight Path. The Path of those whom You have favored" (Surah al-Fatiha:6-7)
Have we ever thought, just WHO these people are that we are asking Allaah to be like? Just WHO are the people that Allaah has favored?
The answer lies in the Supreme Words of our Rabb in Surah an-Nisaa, ayah 69:

Whosoever obeys Allaah, and the Messenger, they are with those whom Allah has favored, the Prophets, the Siddiqûn (those followers of the Prophets who were first and foremost to believe in them, like Abu Bakr As Siddiq ), the martyrs, and the righteous. And how excellent these companions are!" (Surah an-Nisaa:69)
Here Allaah is clearly telling us that He has blessed and bestowed His Favors upon the people who were the first to believe in the Prophet, as well as the Shuhadaa' and the righteous.

Now, ask yourself this. "Who besides the Sahaabah could qualify for this?"
1. The Sahaabah were the first to believe in the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam)
2. The Sahaabah were the first and best Shuhadaa.
3. The Sahaabah were the top righteous people. No one could be better than them, except the Prophets (Alayhim ussalaam)
Bihar Anjuman's Riyadh & Al-Kharj chapter: Family Get-together program, 26.04.2012

Then, these are the people we are asking Allaah to be like. These are the poeple we want to follow. And we ask Allaah to guide us on the Path that they traversed. 

Allaah threatens to punish all those who oppose their ways and choose a path different from them:

"And whoever opposes the Messenger after guidance has become clear to him and follows other than the way of the believers, We shall let him follow what he has turned to and drive him into Hell, and evil it is as a destination" (Surah an-Nisaa':115)
And the Sahaabah were the only 'believers' when this verse was revealed. No one else.
Allaah testifies to their Imaan and confirms them to be True Believers.
"Say, (O Muhammad); This is my way; I invite to Allaah with sure knowledge, I and my followers. And exalted is Allaah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him." (Surah Ibraaheem:108)
And the Sahaabah were the first followers of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) so they are upon the path of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) inviting to Allah with sure knowledge and certainty. Could Allaah be talking about anyone but them?
Allaah is PLEASED with them, and promised them Jannah.

"And the first forerunners (in the faith) among the Muhajireen and the Ansar and those who followed them with good conduct, Allaah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment." (Surah at-Taubah:100)
Subhaan Allaah! Imagine...Allaah, Subaahanhu wa Taala Himself testifying that He is pleased with the Sahaabah! Could there be a better proof than this that theirs is the Path to follow? If Allaah is pleased with them, surely they are following and practcing Islaam correctly.

Allaah praises them and approves of their acts of worship

"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and (His) pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration." (Surah al-Fath:29)
Should we then, not go back to their ways when we are confused?

Allaah says the Sahaabah are the best

"You are the best ummah that has ever been sent to mankind. You command what is good, you forbid the evil, and you believe in Allaah." (Surah Aal-Imraan:110)
The Ulama tell us that this ayah was revealed for the Sahaabah specifically and for the rest of us generally. If they are the best in Allaah's eyes, then their way of understanding the Deen was the best too.
And there are many other ayaat. These were only some of them.


The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam) told us to follow their path
He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: ”The Jews split up into 71 sects, the Christians split up into 72 sects, and this ummah (Muslims) will split up into 73 sects; all of them are in the Fire except one." Someone asked: "which is that one O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "Whoever is upon that which I am upon and my companions.“ (at-Tirmidhi--hasan)

The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam) also called theSahaabah the BEST.
He (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said:
”The best of my ummah is my generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them.“ (Bukhaari, Muslim)
Just think about it. In the entire history of mankind, from the time of Adam until the Day of Judgment, never will there be an entire group, an entire generation, better than the Sahaabah. Never. And if they were the best, that means their way of practicing Islaam was also the best and most correct.


1. The Sahaabah were witness to the revelation of the Quraan and the incidents that were the cause of the coming down of many of the ayaat and surahs. And they knew exactly when and why the ayaat were revealed. Thus they understood them in a very clear and correct concept.

2. They had the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) right amongst them, and thus heard and learnt from him directly. If ever they misunderstood, or didn't comprehend anything in the Deen, all they needed to do was ask and he would show them the right way.
3. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) himself taught them carefully and lovingly. So what do you say about the knowledge of one who was taught by the best teacher there could ever be?
4. The Quran was revealed in their language, in their dialect, in their time, and in their culture. Thus they received the teachings of Islam pure and unaduterated and understood it the best. They didn’t mix it with foreign cultures, or corrupt beliefs or confused ideas.

5. If we look at history, we will see that in the time of the Sahaabaa, when there appeared several deviant groups, not a single Sahaabee was among these groups. As Ibn Masoud said, "Follow (us) and do not innovate, for indeed you have been sufficed."

Thus we see with certainty, that the Sahaabah were not only the best in Imaan and taqwa, but they were also the best in their knowledge and in their understanding and implementation of the Quran and Sunnah.

Therefore, their understanding is the best understanding. Their opinions are the best opinions. Their implementation of the Qur’an and Sunnah is the best implementation.

So when we differ about something, or get confused, then theirs' is the way to go and theirs' is the interpretation to follow. If they had a certain understanding in the matters of the deen, then we follow that opinion. If they celebrated a certain day or time, we do it too. If they stayed away from certain rituals or did not consider them important, then we stay away from that too.
May Allaah enable us to emulate the Sahaabah and follow in their footstep. May He grant us the Taufeeq to understand and implement the Deen the way they did. Ameen.
And Allaah knows best.                              
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